Announcement: Closing 2 Pools VNDC-ONUS and USDT-ONUS

17:00 UTC on May 1st, 2023, ONUS will close 02 Farming Pools (Auto Renew):

  1. Pool VNDC – ONUS (30 days)
  2. Pool USDT – ONUS (30 days)

If users are joining these two pools, starting from 17:00 UTC on May 1st, 2023, they can withdraw their deposited assets without waiting for the full 30-day cycle.

About Farming and Auto Renew Mechanism

Farming is a feature that allow you to stake assets into Farming Pools to receive rewards with different term and reward ratios. Currently, ONUS provides two types of Farming Pools:

  • Fixed-term Pools: The pool will close when the predetermined period expires.
  • Auto Renew Pools: Farming capital is automatically deposited into the next farming cycle as soon as the old pool period ends.

Access the Farming section on the ONUS application to find out the best Farming Pools with attractive reward ratios.