Arbitrum Token (ARB) gets listed on ONUS

Starting from 05:00 PM UTC on March 23rd, we officially list Arbitrum Token (ARB) on the ONUS application. Soon after ARB is added, users can perform the following features:

  • Off-chain transactions: Send and receive ARB with other users in the ONUS network.
  • On-chain deposits: Receive ARB transferred from other platforms to the ONUS application via Arbitrum.
  • Trade: Swap from VNDC or USDT to ARB and vice versa.

About Arbitrum

Arbitrum is a layer 2 solution designed to improve the capabilities of Ethereum smart contracts — boosting their speed and scalability, while adding in additional privacy features to boot. The platform is designed to allow developers to easily run unmodified Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) contracts and Ethereum transactions on a second layer, while still benefiting from Ethereum’s excellent layer 1 security. 

Arbitrum is powered by the Nitro proprietary technology stack. Nitro’s next-generation rollup architecture provides 7x more throughput than Ethereum and lower fees without sacrificing any security. Arbitrum is currently at the top of Ethereum’s Layer-2 chain list with a TVL of more than $1.8 billion.


What is ARB Token?

ARB is a native token of the Arbitrum ecosystem, operating on Arbitrum according to ERC20 standard. 

Offchain Labs, the developers behind Arbitrum, announced the shift to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) structure — the Arbitrum DAO. ARB holders can vote on proposals that affect the features, protocol upgrades, funds allocation and election of a Security Council.


  • Name: Arbitrum Token
  • Symbol: ARB
  • Platform: Arbitrum
  • Standard: ERC20
  • Type: Governance