Basic Guide 07: Benefits for ONUS tokens holders

Aside from investing in and profiting from digital assets, ONUS’ users have access to significant exclusive benefits. Holding ONUS tokens (the main token operated in the ONUS ecosystem) allows you to upgrade your membership level, reduce transaction fees, receive high rewards, and enjoy plenty of other benefits.

What is ONUS token?

ONUS is a utility token of the ONUS ecosystem. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including paying transaction fees, taking out a mortgage and repaying interest on loans, receiving reward and ownership via ONUS Shares, participating in Staking/Farming, or VIP user/business partner programs, participating in Launchpad programs, and voting on ONUS decisions. 

Furthermore, ONUS is an asset that represents the value of the ONUS platform. Investors who staking ONUS in ONUS Shares will receive ownership and daily rewards.

Benefits of holding ONUS tokens

The ONUS team is constantly expanding the benefits available to holders of ONUS. As a result, when you hold ONUS, you have a lot of potentials to increase your assets based on the growth of the ONUS ecosystem while also receiving other benefits such as:

  • ONUS Shares: ONUS stakers are receiving a daily reward.
  • ONUS Launchpad: Use ONUS to purchase and invest in Launchpad projects.
  • ONUS Credit Line: ONUS tokens are used to pay loan interest.
  • ONUS VIP/Partner: Use ONUS to upgrade your account and receive various offers.
  • Paying fees: The ONUS team’s vision is to gradually transition to using ONUS tokens as a payment unit for activities in the ecosystems.

Furthermore, the value of the ONUS token will continue to rise in the future as a result of our upcoming decentralized products: ONUS Non-custodial; ONUS Blockchain platform; ONUS DEX/Swap/Borrow,…

ONUS Shares introduction

ONUS Shares is a feature designed to enhance the benefits for investors who hold ONUS tokens. Specifically: 

vONUS is the point you will get when you join the Pools at ONUS Shares. The more vONUS points a person has, the more special benefits:

  • Voting Power: vONUS points are used to calculate your Voting Power. The higher the Voting Power, the more weight your opinion will have in the Voting programs for important ONUS decisions.
  • Airdrop Rewards: Airdrop programs will be prioritized for ONUS Shares participants. The rewards are prorated, based on the user’s vONUS score.
  • Launchpad Buy Options: vONUS points are used to determine buy options for users participating in ONUS Launchpad. The right to buy will be calculated by the amount of vONUS points.
  • Revenue sharing from transaction fees: Transaction fees will be shared for each user based on the ratio of vONUS points.
  • Other benefits that will be continuously expanded in the future.

Additionally, customers who purchase ONUS Shares receive additional benefits, such as the right to comment on the development of the ONUS platform, favors while participating in projects on the ONUS Launchpad, and several other perks that will be increased in the future.

See more: Basic Guide 08: When you need help.