Enable On-chain Transactions for RUN (ONUS Chain)

Starting on December 05th, 2022, ONUS will open On-chain transactions via the ONUS Chain network for Run Together (RUN) to support investors in convenience trading and storing digital assets.

Accordingly, users can send On-chain RUN from ONUS to other wallet addresses outside the system that support the ONUS Chain network and, vice versa, receive RUN transferred from other ONUS Chain wallet addresses to ONUS.

About Run Together and token RUN

Run Together is a Web3 application built on the BSC ecosystem, inspired by people’s daily walks. By rewarding runners with tokens and creating competitions, Run Together aims to build a large running community that encourages a spirit of wellness by rewarding runners with tokens and creating competitions.

Run Together promises to be the first application to apply the combination model of Move to Earn, Social, and Metaverse, which has practical applications for public health and brings a sustainable and attractive source of income to the investor community.

RUN is an in-game token that works on the Run Together platform, operates on the BNB Chain with BEP20 standards, and is used for the following purposes:

RUN is a native token in the Run Together system and can be used to: Buy sneakers and accessories on the Marketplace, Upgrade sneakers and accessories, Repair sneakers, and Coach hire.

About ONUS Chain

ONUS Chain is a high-performance, scalable, EVM-compatible blockchain platform built on the BNB Application Sidechain (BAS). ONUS Chain has a friendly interface accessible to all developers and users at a low cost.

In particular, with solid support from ONUS through a community of more than 2.5 million users and RICE Wallet with more than 1 million wallet addresses, ONUS Chain possesses a reliable launch platform to popularize to mass users right from the moment initial. ONUS Chain also received support from numerous development teams to convert and run their projects on the ONUS Chain Mainnet.

ONUS Chain documentation: https://docs.onuschain.io/.    

ONUS Chain Telegram Channel: https://t.me/onuschain.      

ONUS Chain Telegram Community: https://t.me/onuschain_chat.