ONUS Chain has officially implemented Validator Staking, allowing users and institutions to participate in ONUS Stake, contribute to the processing of transactions on ONUS Chain, and receive rewards.
In addition, Validator Staking participants will have the right to vote on important plans and updates on the ONUS Chain.
Our team will have detailed instructions on how to participate in Validator Staking on ONUS Chain via web browser and RICE Wallet.
How to join Validator Staking via RICE Wallet
How to stake ONUS:
- Step 1: Access RICE Wallet and go to “DApps”
- Step 2: Select ONUS Validator Staking
- Step 3: Connect your wallet
- Step 4: Choose Validator and “Stake”
- Step 5: Enter the amount of ONUS to stake and Confirm
- Step 6: Confirm on your wallet
How to claim Validator Staking rewards:
- Step 1: Go to “Claimable Assets” and select “Claim”
- Step 2: Confirm on your wallet
How to unstake ONUS:
- Step 1: Go to “Staking Assets” and select “Unstake”
- Step 2: Enter the amount of ONUS to unstake and Confirm
- Step 3: Confirm on your wallet
How to join Validator Staking via the web browser
How to stake ONUS:
- Step 1: Access staking.onuschain.io and connect your wallet
- Step 2: Choose your Validator and select “Stake”
- Step 3: Enter the amount of ONUS you want to stake and “Confirm”
- Step 4: Confirm on your wallet and done
In the “My Staking” section, users can track the amount of staked ONUS, the total reward and the amount of ONUS in the process of unstaking.
How to claim Validator Staking rewards:
- Step 1: Go to “Claimable Assets” and select “Claim”
- Step 2: Confirm on your wallet
How to unstake ONUS:
- Step 1: Go to “Staking Assets” and select “Unstake”
- Step 2: Enter the amount of ONUS to unstake and Confirm
- Step 3: Confirm on your wallet
- Rewards will be updated every cycle (1 Epoch = 3 days) and can be claimed immediately.
- When unstake ONUS, users need to wait for 6 epochs for ONUS to automatically return to Claimable Assets and you can claim.
- When staking ONUS on available Validator, users need to stake at least 1 ONUS.
How to become a Validator on ONUS Chain
Users and organizations who want to register for operating Validator on the ONUS Chain, please contact [email protected] for advice and instructions.
Through the above guide, users have understood the details of the operations to participate in Validator Staking on ONUS Chain and receive rewards.
Join the ONUS Chain Community: https://t.me/onuschain_chatglobal