About 0.4% of traders on Pump.fun achieved earnings exceeding 10,000 USD in meme coin trading, indicating limited profitability. Despite the large volume of coins created, only a small fraction of traders have realized substantial profits, highlighting a disparity in financial gains within the platform’s user base.
Research shows only 294 wallets, out of millions, have generated profits surpassing 1 million USD, showing a HIGH concentration of wealth among few. This reflects an unequal distribution of earnings among Pump.fun users, pointing to a disparity in successful trading outcomes.
Since its inception in January 2024, Pump.fun has created over 5.7 million meme coins and generated 392 million USD in revenue, significantly impacting the Solana network. However, the graduation rate has decreased from 1.4% to 1.16%, suggesting challenges in maintaining profitability growth for its traders.