In 2024, Telegram responded to 900 US requests for user data, a notable increase following the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov in France. This surge, particularly after October, affected 2,253 users, highlighting increased examination of Telegram’s data management practices. Despite legal challenges, Telegram continues to serve a vast user base, tapped into the cryptocurrency community.
Telegram’s collaboration with authorities began in 2018, sharing user data under its privacy policy. The 2024 rise in requests shows heightened regulatory pressures. To address compliance, Telegram announced a new office in Kazakhstan, aiming to improve oversight and control, indicating their proactive steps in response to globally rising regulatory demands.
Despite regulatory challenges, Telegram is evolving with NFT-enabled collectible gifts, distinct digital items tradeable in NFT marketplaces. Over 20 types of digital gifts can be transformed into NFTs, reflecting Telegram’s commitment to growth and user engagement. This strategic expansion seeks to offer unique user experiences while aligning with evolving digital trends.