New Staking Daily rate for KAI, CHI and TOMO

Starting today March 16, 2022, ONUS will adjust the Staking Daily rate on KAI, CHI and TOMO assets. As follows:

  • KAI: Daily Staking rate for KAI is adjusted from 9% to 3% a year, equivalent to 0.008%/day. Interest is paid daily in VNDC, calculated according to the customer’s KAI balance before 0:00 every day.
  • TOMO: Daily Staking rate for TOMO is adjusted from 6.2% to 3% a year, equivalent to 0.008%/day. Interest is paid daily in VNDC, calculated according to the customer’s TOMO balance before 0:00 every day.
  • CHI: Close Staking Daily feature for CHI on ONUS. Instead, CHI token plans to enable daily interest on HanaGold’s own application in the future.

About Staking Daily

Staking Daily is a utility that allows users to receive interest up to 0.033% after 0:00 every day when holding specific tokens with a set minimum amount. This feature is automatically applied to all customers who own the number of tokens on the list.

Currently, you can receive daily interest when holding assets like VNDC, USDT, BNB, BTC, KAI, NEXO, RACA, HTD,… For VNDC assets, you can earn compound interest at a rate of 12.79 % per year, which is a very favorable rate compared to bank deposit interest rates.