Starting from Cycle 45 (*), ONUS has committed to contributing 1% of the ONUS buybacks from 25% of the platform’s profits in each 7 days cycle of ONUS Shares to the Crypto For Life fund – a Crypto fundraising platform for charitable projects sponsored by the ONUS Foundation and FUNDGO.
This initiative aims to realize ONUS’s ecosystem goal of connecting the community’s strengths, offering support, and helping spread positive values throughout society.
After each ONUS Shares cycle ends, the ONUS system automatically deducts and transfers ONUS Coin to the Crypto For Life fund. Transactions are continuously updated at:
As of the end of Cycle 57, the total amount of ONUS contributed has reached 13,447.2706 ONUS.
(*) The proposal, “Adjusting the ONUS Burn Rate to Support the Crypto For Life Project,” was approved by the community with an 89.43% “Agree” vote. Detailed Voting results.