How to join Staking Pool on MiaSwap

As the first DEX/AMM protocol built on the ONUS Chain network, MiaSwap acts as the main source of liquidity for the ecosystem, allowing users to trade assets at low fees and earn amazing profits based on the provision of liquidity.

With the launch of the Staking Pool feature, users can now participate in staking ONUS and MIA to receive other assets with attractive APY. Our team will provide detailed instructions on how to participate in Staking Pool on MiaSwap.

How to join Staking Pool on MiaSwap via Metamask

Metamask is a non-custodial wallet that allows users to integrate different networks and connect to Dapps in the ONUS Chain ecosystem.

To integrate the ONUS Chain network with Metamask wallet, refer to the following tutorial:

How to join Staking Pool:

  • Step 2: Select Pool feature, select your preferred Pool and “Enable Contract”

  • Step 3: Confirm on your wallet

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  • Step 4: Select “Stake”, enter the amount of assets you want to stake and select “Confirm”

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  • Step 5: Confirm on your wallet

No description available.

How to withdraw assets and earn rewards

  • Step 1: Choose to withdraw assets

No description available.

  • Step 2: Enter the amount of assets you want to withdraw and select “Confirm”

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  • Step 3: Confirm on your wallet

No description available.

  • Step 4: Select “Harvest” to earn rewards and confirm on your wallet

No description available.

How to join Staking Pool on MiaSwap via RICE Wallet

As the main DeFi wallet in the ONUS Chain ecosystem, RICE Wallet is the first non-custodial wallet to integrate the ONUS Chain Mainnet – allowing users to access DApps quickly, without manual integration.

Download and experience RICE Wallet at:

How to join Staking Pool:

  • Step 1: Open RICE Wallet and select “DApps”
  • Step 2: Access MiaSwap
  • Step 3: Connect your wallet
  • Step 4: Access the “Pool” feature

  • Step 5: Select “Enable Contract” and confirm on wallet
  • Step 6: Select “Stake”
  • Step 7: Enter the amount of tokens and confirm
  • Step 8: Confirm on your wallet

How to withdraw assets and earn rewards

  • Step 1: Choose to withdraw tokens
  • Step 2: Enter the amount of tokens you want to withdraw then select “Confirm”
  • Step 3: Confirm on your wallet
  • Step 4: Select “Harvest” and confirm on your wallet

Through the above instructions, users have grasped the operations to participate in Staking Pool on MiaSwap. Experience and earn diverse assets with attractive APY at:

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