
VFI Price today

0.9388 USDT
-4.04% 24 hours ago
VFI Chart Price
Last updated 14-03-2025 05:52 (UTC +7)


# 100
24h Volume
109,110.65 USDT
24h Volume (ONUS)
116,185.85 USDT
10-day Average Volume
156,834.47 USDT
Market Cap
4,904,485.4 USD
Highest (1 year)
3.69 USDT
Lowest (1 year)
0.25 USDT
0.25 USDT
3.69 USDT
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
Changes (1 Day)
Changes (7 Days)
Changes (1 Month)
Changes (3 Months)
Changes (This Year)

VFI price USDT today

The current price of 1 VFilms is 0.9388 USDT with market capitalization 4,904,485.4 USD. In the last 24 hours, VFilms decrease -4.04%, had a trading volume of 107,705.6 with circulating supply 5,000,000 . Latest updated data.
Time   Prices History Change amount Change percentage
today   0.9783 -0.0395 USD -4.04%
7 days   1.18 -0.2419 USD -20.49%
30 days   2.01 -1.07 USD -53.22%
90 days   1.45 -0.5158 USD -35.46%
365 days   0.25 +0.6888 USD +275.53%

VFI/USDT Conversion Tables

Conversion rate from VFilms (VFI) to USDT is 0.9388 per 1 VFI. This means you can exchange 5 VFI for 4.69 USDT or 1,000 USDT for 1,065.16 VFI, excluding costs. Refer to our conversion table for popular VFI trading amounts at the respective USDT prices and vice versa.
From VFI to USDT
0.01 VFI 0.00939 USDT
0.1 VFI 0.0939 USDT
1 VFI 0.9388 USDT
2 VFI 1.88 USDT
5 VFI 4.69 USDT
10 VFI 9.39 USDT
20 VFI 18.78 USDT
50 VFI 46.94 USDT
From USDT to VFI
0.01 USDT 0.0107 VFI
0.1 USDT 0.1065 VFI
1 USDT 1.07 VFI
2 USDT 2.13 VFI
5 USDT 5.33 VFI
10 USDT 10.65 VFI
20 USDT 21.3 VFI
50 USDT 53.26 VFI


Short-term (H1)
Long-term (D1)

Information about VFilms (VFI)

VFilms is a cutting-edge HD streaming platform that delivers exclusive vertical videos, series, and movies tailored for the modern viewer.

Vfilms revolutionizing the way users experience HD content with our quick, one-minute episodes, allowing users to enjoy movies, shows, and videos anytime, anywhere, directly from your phone or tablet through the VFilms app.

VFilms aspires to be the premier digital film platform and a dynamic launchpad for independent film projects, empowering filmmakers to secure funding from the community.

Featured Products of VFilms:

VFilms Application:

  • User-friendly interface optimizing personalized experiences.
  • Community interaction feature, allowing users to explore and enjoy suitable content.

Telegram MiniApp:

  • Launch Airdrop activities and encourage community participation.

Launchpad for Film Projects:

  • VFilms serves as a launchpad for independent film projects seeking community funding.
  • Filmmakers can raise capital directly from users through fundraising campaigns, bringing innovative ideas to life.

The VFI token plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, enabling users to participate in governance and key decision-making processes on the platform.

Total supply: 5,000,000 VFI.


  • Launchpad: 20%
  • Liquidity Pool: 30%
  • Team & Advisor: 20%
  • Marketing: 10%
  • Airdrop & Staking Reward: 20%

Learn more about VFilms: Website | Whitepaper
VFilms Community: Telegram | Twitter

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