ONUS x RICE: Open RICE/ONUS Liquidity Pool on PancakeSwap

In order to expand the ecosystem for ONUS and RICE, and to make it more convenient for investors to trade, ONUS has cooperated with RICE Wallet to open the RICE/ONUS liquidity pair on the PancakeSwap exchange.

Accordingly, investors can convert from RICE to ONUS or vice versa at this DEX.

Information about liquidity of the RICE/ONUS pair on PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/info/pool/0xd6963960dd1cd00310fa594fa7839bbe8bd6487a 

Total value of Liquidity Pool: $136,830

About RICE Wallet and RICE token

RICE Wallet is a decentralized financial application that allows users to store and manage digital assets. At the same time, RICE Wallet makes it easier for investors to access the decentralized finance (DeFi) market through carefully selected financial applications (DApps) and intelligent UI/UX optimization: Stake, Swap, Invest, Pool… RICE is a utility token of the RICE Wallet application and can be used to: reduce fees when making transactions, pay rewards or pay fees, use in Dapps of Rice Financial Ecosystem.