Open Farming Pool for RUN TOGETHER (RUN), APY up to ​​10%

To extend users’ opportunities to increase profits when holding RUN, starting from 03:00 UTC on July 2, 2024, ONUS launched a new Farming Pool for RUN with a profit rate of up to 10%/year. Investors can take advantage of the holding time of RUN to participate in Farming with attractive profitability. Specifically: 

1. Farming Pool RUN – RUN 30 days

  • Start date: July 2, 2024
  • Period: 30 days
  • Min Stake: 10,000 RUN
  • Pool Size: 5,000,000 RUN
  • Reward rate: 1,000,000:274 (users receive 274 RUN for each 1,000,000 RUN deposited)
  • Estimated APY: 10%
  • Reward type: Daily and withdrawable instantly.
  • Does not allow to unstake

About RUN TOGETHER and RUN token

Run Together is a Web3 application built on the BSC ecosystem, inspired by people’s daily walks. By rewarding runners with tokens and creating competitions, Run Together aims to build a large running community that encourages a spirit of wellness by rewarding runners with tokens and creating competitions.

Run Together promises to be the first application to apply the combination model of Move to Earn, Social, and Metaverse, which has practical applications for public health and brings a sustainable and attractive source of income to the investor community.

RUN is an in-game token that works on the Run Together platform, operates on the BNB Chain with BEP20 standards and is used for the following purposes:

  • Buy sneakers and accessories on Marketplace
  • Upgrade sneakers and accessories
  • Repair sneakers
  • Coach hiring