
KAIA Price today

3,472.56 VND
+1.68% 24 hours ago
KAIA Chart Price
Last updated 17-02-2025 20:38 (UTC +7)


# 100
24h Volume
2,331,790.4 VND
24h Volume (ONUS)
22,094,821.61 VND
10-day Average Volume
3,571,557.37 VND
Market Cap
814,902,730.26 USD
Highest (1 year)
10,947.97 VND
Lowest (1 year)
2,916.78 VND
10,947.97 VND
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
Changes (1 Day)
Changes (7 Days)
Changes (1 Month)
Changes (3 Months)
Changes (This Year)

KAIA price VND today

The current price of 1 Kaia is 3,472.56 VND with market capitalization 20.37t VND. In the last 24 hours, Kaia increase +1.68%, had a trading volume of 2,331,790.4 with circulating supply 5,866,728,942.51 . Latest updated data.
Time   Prices History Change amount Change percentage
today   3,415.02 +57.54 VND +1.68%
7 days   3,475.29 -2.73 VND -0.0786%
30 days   6,143.88 -2,671.32 VND -43.48%
90 days   3,893.72 -421.16 VND -10.82%
365 days   3,320 +152.56 VND +4.6%

KAIA/VND Conversion Tables

Conversion rate from Kaia (KAIA) to VND is 3,472.56 per 1 KAIA. This means you can exchange 5 KAIA for 17,362.8 VND or 500,000 VND for 143.99 KAIA, excluding costs. Refer to our conversion table for popular KAIA trading amounts at the respective VND prices and vice versa.
From KAIA to VND
0.01 KAIA 34.73 VND
0.1 KAIA 347.26 VND
1 KAIA 3,472.56 VND
2 KAIA 6,945.12 VND
5 KAIA 17,362.8 VND
10 KAIA 34,725.6 VND
20 KAIA 69,451.2 VND
50 KAIA 173,628 VND
From VND to KAIA
1,000 VND 0.288 KAIA
5,000 VND 1.44 KAIA
10,000 VND 2.88 KAIA
50,000 VND 14.4 KAIA
100,000 VND 28.8 KAIA
200,000 VND 57.59 KAIA
500,000 VND 143.99 KAIA
1,000,000 VND 287.97 KAIA


Short-term (H1)
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3StrongSellNeutralStrongBuyStrong buyStrong buy
Long-term (D1)
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3StrongSellNeutralStrongBuyStrong sellStrong sell

Information about Kaia (KAIA)

Kaia is a high-performance public blockchain that brings Web3 to the fingertips of hundreds of millions across Asia. Formed through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains that were initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively, Kaia is Asia’s largest Web3 ecosystem integrated with the Kakaotalk and LINE messengers that have a combined user base of over 250 million - all of whom can experience Web3 with the ease and speed of Web2 within their favorite messenger superapp to connect, create, collaborate, and contribute to the ecosystem.

Supported by two of Asia's leading messaging apps, Kaia promises to be the world's fastest EVM blockchain with a 1-second block confirmation time, 4,000 transactions per second throughput, and gas fees that are only 1/10th of Ethereum.

KAIA is the native token of the Kaia ecosystem will be used for the following purposes:

  • Pay transaction fees
  • Participate in platform governance


  • Name: Kaia
  • Symbol: KAIA
  • Platform: Kaia
  • Type: Utility, Governance

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