
XLM Price today

7,398.35 VND
+2.41% 24 hours ago
XLM Chart Price
Last updated 20-03-2025 12:11 (UTC +7)


# 14
24h Volume
43,879,792.11 VND
24h Volume (ONUS)
10.53b VND
10-day Average Volume
23,878,975.77 VND
Market Cap
8.73b USD
Fully Diluted MarketCap
14.19b USD
Highest (1 year)
16,614.18 VND
Lowest (1 year)
1,993 VND
616 VND
20,401 VND
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
Max Supply
Changes (1 Day)
Changes (7 Days)
Changes (1 Month)
Changes (3 Months)
Changes (This Year)

XLM price VND today

The current price of 0.01 Stellar is 73.98 VND with market capitalization 8.73b USD. In the last 24 hours, Stellar increase +2.41%, had a trading volume of 43,879,792.11 with circulating supply 30,754,555,503.89 . Latest updated data.
Time   Prices History Change amount Change percentage
today   7,224.34 +174.01 VND +2.41%
7 days   7,124.51 +273.84 VND +3.84%
30 days   8,484.04 -1,085.69 VND -12.8%
90 days   9,915.89 -2,517.54 VND -25.39%
365 days   3,447 +3,951.35 VND +114.63%

XLM/VND Conversion Tables

Conversion rate from Stellar (XLM) to VND is 7,398.35 per 1 XLM. This means you can exchange 5 XLM for 36,991.75 VND or 500,000 VND for 67.58 XLM, excluding costs. Refer to our conversion table for popular XLM trading amounts at the respective VND prices and vice versa.
From XLM to VND
0.01 73.98 VND
0.1 XLM 739.84 VND
1 XLM 7,398.35 VND
2 XLM 14,796.7 VND
5 XLM 36,991.75 VND
10 XLM 73,983.5 VND
20 XLM 147,967 VND
50 XLM 369,917.5 VND
From VND to XLM
1,000 VND 0.1352 XLM
5,000 VND 0.6758 XLM
10,000 VND 1.35 XLM
50,000 VND 6.76 XLM
100,000 VND 13.52 XLM
200,000 VND 27.03 XLM
500,000 VND 67.58 XLM
1,000,000 VND 135.17 XLM


Short-term (H1)
Long-term (D1)

Information about Stellar (XLM)

Stellar is a blockchain platform that helps users transfer money and digital assets across borders with fast speed, reliability, and low cost. Specifically, Stellar is an open-source distributed payment network capable of connecting banks and payment systems with users, facilitating the trading of currencies and digital assets. Stellar is also a Blockchain Platform that allows developers to build applications, products or tokenize assets on their platform.

Stellar is focused on payments and helps users create tokens based on collateral. Essentially, Stellar is a fork (fork) of Ripple (XRP). However, starting in 2015, Stellar completed its consensus protocol, called the Stellar Consensus Protocol, and is no longer related to Ripple.

Some outstanding features of Stellar:

  • Money Transfer Feature: Send cash across countries quickly and with minimal fees; it’s almost free.
  • MicroPayment Feature: Helps increase efficiency, reduce the price of smaller transfers, and offer more progressive forms of payment to users.
  • Mobile Branch feature: Can help expand retail operations at a very cheap and optimal cost.
  • Mobile Cash Feature: A practical mobile cash platform makes it possible for users to send money to different providers.

XLM (Stellar token) is a token operating on the Stellar platform, used for the following purposes:

  • Pay transaction fees: XLM is used to pay transaction fees on the Stellar network.
  • Payout: XLM is used as a reward for those who participate in voting on the network.
  • Payment & Remittance: Users need to hold XLM to use Stellar services.
  • Liquidity: XLM is a cross-currency (intermediate currency for converting between assets).

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